EurILCA Master Series 2025

Affiche ILCA 2025

The EurILCA Master Series is a series of regattas held throughout the year in various beautiful locations across Europe. The competition is open to sailors aged 30 (at the first race) in 2025 on all rigs (ILCA 7, ILCA 6 and ILCA 4). Fierce competition on the water combined with a great post-sailing social scene make the EurILCA Master Series regattas hugely popular events on the European sailing calendar.

Why not join us at our beautiful sailing venues in 2025 and experience the EurILCA Masters Series for yourself, having a great time on and off the water. Invite your friends too!

Entry regulations
Only current and fully paid-up ILCA members may enter. Proof of membership will be required upon registration for each regatta. If you are not already a member of the International Class, you can register by contacting your local district manager. You'll find full details on our website at European Contacts .

If you're not sure which Masters class you belong to, please refer to the table below.
You'll need to reach the following ages in 2024, but you'll need to be 30 at the time of the first race of the event.


Age group and Master Category

30 (first race of the event) to 44: ILCA 7 Apprentice Master and ILCA 6 Apprentice Master

45 to 54: ILCA 7 Master and ILCA 6 Master

55 to 64: ILCA 7 Grand Master and ILCA 6 Grand Master 65 and over: ILCA 7 Great Grand Master

65 to 74: ILCA 6 Great Grand Master

75 and over: ILCA 6 Legend


Each sailor will be required to provide a valid World Sailing number and date of birth to participate in EMS regattas. If you do not know your World Sailing number or have not yet registered one, you can register it for free on the World Sailing website. Please note that you will not be included in the overall series ranking if you do not provide this information.


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Programmez votre stage de voile ou votre activité nautique en baie de Quiberon. Renseignements : 02 97 52 10 98

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